From: Jason W Neyers <>
To: obligations <>
Date: 31/03/2022 14:42:02 UTC
Subject: ODG: Just Published!

Dear Colleagues:


Two new and interesting books which might be of interest:


Civil Remedies and Human Rights in Flux

Key Legal Developments in Selected Jurisdictions

Edited by Ekaterina Aristova and Uglješa Grušić


What private law avenues are open to victims of human rights violations? This collection explores this question across sixteen jurisdictions in the Global South and Global North, examining mechanisms in domestic law for bringing civil claims in relation to the involvement of states, corporations and individuals in specific categories of human rights violation: (i) assault or unlawful arrest and detention of persons; (ii) environmental harm; and (iii) harmful or unfair labour conditions. This global perspective assesses the question in jurisdictions as diverse as Kenya, Switzerland, the US and the Philippines. A much needed statement on responding to human rights violations.


Ekaterina Aristova is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Human Rights and Practice at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, UK.

Uglješa Grušić is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Laws, University College London, UK.


Feb 2022   |   9781509947591   |   448pp   |   Hbk   |    RRP: £100 / $135

Discount Price: £80 / $108

Order online at  – use the code GLR A6AUK for UK orders and GLR A6AUS for US orders to get 20% off!




Private Law in Context

Enriching Legal Doctrine

Marc Loth

Marc Loth, Tilburg University, the Netherlands

Contemplating the nature, practice and study of private law, this comprehensive book offers a detailed overview of private law’s theoretical dimensions. It promotes a reflective attitude towards the topic, encouraging the reader to question how private law is practiced and studied, what this implies for their own engagement in the field and what kind of private lawyer they want to be. This thought-provoking book draws on examples from a range of legal systems to provide philosophical perspectives on the diverse dimensions of private law.


272 pp Hardback

978 1 80037 429 4



Happy Reading,




Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)


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